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2024-06-25 No. 163: Release of CM SAF Surface Radiation and Fluxes from Meteosat First and Second Generation - Edition 1 (LANDFLUX Ed. 1)
The LANDFLUX Ed. 1 Climate Data Record provides the Surface Radiation Budget, Latent and Sensible Heat Fluxes derived from the Meteosat Visible and InfraRed Imager (MVIRI) on board the Meteosat First Generation (MFG) and the Spinning Enhanced Visible and InfraRed Imager (SEVIRI) onboard the Meteosat Second Generation (MSG) satellites. The covered time period ranges from January 1983 to December 2020. The products are available as hourly, daily and monthly data on a 0.05° x 0.05° regular latitude and longitude grid for the Meteosat disk up to ± 65° latitude and longitude.
Original thermal radiances were inter-calibrated by the European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT). The single radiation components of the surface radiation budget (SRB) are derived from the thermal and optical channels of the MVIRI and SEVIRI instruments onboard the geostationary Meteosat satellites. All components of the SRB are derived jointly based on physical retrieval schemes using the GeoSatClim software. Surface Latent and Sensible Heat fluxes are obtained thanks to an adapted version of the land surface model developed by the Satellite Application Facility on Land Surface Analysis (LSA SAF). While soil moisture and meteorological inputs are adapted from the ERA5 dataset, the radiation components of the surface radiation budget described above are taken as model input.
The data records can be ordered via the Web User Interface. More information on the data record and accompanying documentation is available from the DOI pages: 10.5676/EUM_SAF_CM/SLF_METEOSAT/V001
2024-05-15 No. 162: Release of CM SAF Land SUrface Temperature dataset from METeosat First and Second Generation - Edition 2 (SUMET Ed. 2) and ClOud Fractional Cover dataset from METeosat First and Second Generation - Edition 2 (COMET Ed. 2)
CM SAF released the second edition of Climate Data Records (CDR) providing Land Surface Temperature (LST, SUMET ed.2) and cloud fractional cover (CFC, COMET ed. 2) derived from the Meteosat Visible and InfraRed Imager (MVIRI) on board the Meteosat First Generation (MFG) and the Spinning Enhanced Visible and InfraRed Imager (SEVIRI) onboard the Meteosat Second Generation (MSG) satellites. Original thermal radiances were inter-calibrated by the European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT). The covered time period ranges from January 1983 to December 2020, thus includes MFG 2 to 7 and MSG 1 to 4. Both data records are available on a 0.05°x0.05° grid covering the entire Meteosat disk (Africa and Europe).
The Land Surface Temperature from SUMET ed. 2 is presented as hourly data and as monthly averaged diurnal cycle composites. The LST is derived from Meteosat by use of single-channel LST retrieval based on radiative transfer calculations. A summary of the retrieval algorithms is provided by Duguay–Tetzlaff et al. (2015).
The cloud fraction from COMET ed. 2 is presented as hourly, daily and monthly composites. The CFC data is derived from two Meteosat heritage channels by use of an advanced Bayesian retrieval algorithm. It employs continuous cloud scores, which are built on a contemporaneous clear sky background inversion. The Meteosat CFC is characterized by comparability to the SYNOP-based long-term CFC observations carried out at WMO ground stations. The Meteosat CFC is therefore useful to supplement the ground-based CFC estimates in areas with low station density or high spatio-temporal CFC variability.
The data records can be ordered via the Web User Interface. More information on the data record and accompanying documentation is available from the DOI pages:
Duguay-Tetzlaff, A.; Bento, V.A.; Göttsche, F.M.; Stöckli, R.; Martins, J.P.A.; Trigo, I.; Olesen, F.; Bojanowski, J.S.; da Camara, C.; Kunz, H. Meteosat Land Surface Temperature Climate Data Record: Achievable Accuracy and Potential Uncertainties. Remote Sens. 2015, 7, 13139-13156, DOI: 10.3390/rs71013139
2024-04-05 No. 161: Release of the first edition of the CM SAF Global Interpolated RAinFall Estimation data record (GIRAFE v1)
The GIRAFE v1 climate data record (CDR) provides precipitation estimates derived from a combination of passive microwave (PMW) observations onboard polar orbiting satellites and infrared (IR) observations onboard geostationary satellites. GIRAFE v1 covers the time period 2002/01/01 until 2022/12/31. The PMW-based precipitation rate input to GIRAFE v1 stems from various microwave imager and sounder instruments and respective retrieval algorithms and is homogenized using quantile mapping. The IR input to GIRAFE comes from the five geostationary positions forming the Geo-Ring, providing observations along all geographical longitudes. The spatially and temporally highly resolved IR input is trained to detect the occurrence of precipitation using the PMW-based instantaneous precipitation rate estimates. Conditional precipitation rates are computed based on PMW observations only. At latitudes higher than 55°N/S where Geo-Ring IR pixels are extremely distorted, GIRAFE v1 relies only on the PMW input. GIRAFE v1 is a gridded product which is available globally at a spatial resolution of 1° x 1°and at a temporal resolution of 24 hours as accumulated precipitation computed from the (IR-based) fraction of precipitation and the conditional precipitation rate. Additionally, 1° x 1° monthly mean values of the daily accumulated precipitation are provided. The daily accumulated precipitation features a dedicated sampling uncertainty at the same 1° x 1° x 24 h resolution which is based on the analysis of decorrelation scales in space and time in the IR-based precipitation fields.
The data record can be ordered via the Web User Interface. More information on the data record and accompanying documentation is available from the DOI page: 10.5676/EUM_SAF_CM/GIRAFE/V001 .
2024-02-05 No. 160: Release of CM SAF Passive Microwave Upper Tropospheric Humidity (UTH) Data Record - Edition 2
The second edition of the CM SAF Upper Tropospheric Humidity (UTH) is a satellite-based climate data record. It is a near-global 1°x1° latitude-longitude dataset that is produced with both hourly and daily time steps. The dataset is based on data from twelve passive microwave (MW) sounders operating at 183 GHz in polar orbit that are combined into a single time series covering the period 6 July 1994 to 31 December 2018. The UTH provided typically represents a broad atmospheric layer between 500 and 200 hPa. However, the exact height of this layer depends on the atmospheric conditions at the time of the observation. An optional fixed layer approximation adjustment is supplied that users can apply to provide an estimated mean relative humidity (RH) between ±60° latitude for a fixed layer between 500 and 200 hPa (mean_RH). However, users are advised to take care using this correction, especially outside of the tropics where the mean_RH is of lower quality. Users are also advised to take care using UTH observations above ±60° latitude as the retrieval is sometimes less reliable at high latitudes. Further information describing the dataset in detail can be found in the available product documentation. This documentation includes the 1) Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document (ATBD), which describes the product algorithms and its generation, 2) Validation Report (VAL), which assess the performance of the dataset and 3) Product User Manual, which summarises the ATBD and VAL and provides additional guidance on how to interpret and use the data.
The data record can be ordered via the Web User Interface. More information on the data record and accompanying documentation is available from the DOI page: 10.5676/EUM_SAF_CM/UTH/V002
2024-01-09 No. 159: Change in used satellite combination for CLARA A3-ICDR products due to introduction of Metop-C data
As announced earlier (see service message 157), observations from the Metop-C satellite have now been included in the processing of the AVHRR based CLARA-A3 Interim Climate Data Record (ICDR). So far, the data had not been used in the processing because of uncertainties in the previously applied calibration method. However, new calibration data from 2023 allows including Metop-C, which can thus compensate the recent exclusion of NOAA-15 to a certain extent.
From 1 January 2024 onwards, data from NOAA-18, NOAA-19, Metop-B and Metop-C will be used in the AVHRR-based CLARA-A3 ICDR data record. The new calibration coefficients are used for all satellites in question.
The calibration, provided by the PATMOS-x team, is based on comparisons with MODIS and invariant targets on Earth (e.g. Libyan desert, Greenland ice sheet, etc.). For the satellites used besides Metop-C, the calibration changes will be small-to-moderate but could lead to visible but small jumps in product quality after the introduction.
There are no changes to the algorithms at that time. Users can find information on the used satellite combination in the global attributes of the netCDF-files (attribute "CMSAF_platform_and_orbits").