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Workshop on the Use of Gridded Satellite Data for Climate Services
20 to 24 March 2017, Poland, Krakow
EUMETSAT regularly conducts training workshops to train users of national weather services and universities in the application of satellite-based EUMETSAT data. The special characteristics and application possibilities of satellite-based climate data records were the subject of a workshop taking place from 20 to 24 March 2017, hosted by the Polish National Meteorological Service (IMGW-PIB) in Krakow. On the part of the Deutscher Wetterdienst the workshop was supported by the CM SAF. This included the joint planning and execution of a two-week online phase in the run-up to the workshop, in which the participants by lectures, online meetings and live chats were informed about the tasks and data records of the CM SAF and technical questions concerning the software used were answered. Jakub Walawender (CM SAF visiting scientist) and Steffen Kothe (CM SAF) together with Christine Träger-Chatterjee (EUMETSAT), Jedrzej Bojanowski (Institute of Geodesy and Cartography (IGiK), Poland) and Michal Žák (Czech Hydrometeorological Institute) formed the trainer team on site. From over 80 applications, 23 participants from predominantly Eastern European countries were invited to Krakow (Figure 1). The focus of the workshop was the use of CM SAF climate data records using the R-based CM SAF R Toolbox and the geo-information system QGIS. After an introduction to both software packages, the participants worked with the trainer team on self-selected projects (Figure 2), which were summarized in short presentations at the end of the workshop. These projects ranged from the creation of a simple solar atlas, through evaluation of various CM SAF data using station data, as well as to trend analyzes of cloud coverage or global radiation. The participants learned about the characteristics of the CM SAF climate data and the handling of the data formats with different software. The workshop was also extremely instructive for EUMETSAT and the CM SAF team, as both strengths and weaknesses of the data and software regarding documentation and operation were exposed (Figure 3).
Figure 1 Group photo in front of the building of the Polish Institute of Meteorology and Water Management in Krakow
Source: Steffen Kothe
Figure 2 The participants work on own projects
Source: Steffen Kothe
Figure 3 After the usual strenuous second day, the mood rises again quickly.