GSB 7.1 Standardlösung

Workshop on latest developments on satellite climate data supporting climate services and NMHSs

Where: Deutscher Wetterdienst, Offenbach, Germany
When: 24 October 2024, 09:00 – 16:30 CEST

Learn about the latest developments on satellite climate data and how they can support your national duties.
Discuss your requirements towards satellite climate data with experts.
Learn about existing applications in other climate services.

On 24 October 2024 a one-day workshop on usage of satellite-based climate data records in climate services and NMHSs will take place at Deutscher Wetterdienst in Offenbach, Germany.

Here you can find the CM SAF Workshop Agenda (PDF, 1MB, Not barrier-free file.)

Our workshop will focus on the application of climate data for your service. It will provide an overview of the latest European developments for satellite climate data records and the opportunity to discuss your requirements and needs directly with satellite climate data developers!

The objective of the workshop is to provide you with

  • An overview on the CM SAF products and services, including the planned EUMETSAT Climate Normals and Anomaly service.
  • An overview on applications of CM SAF data in climate monitoring and analysis.
  • A platform to network with CM SAF users from other NMHSs and Climate Services.
  • The opportunity to discuss the CM SAF products directly with the developers and raise suggestions for improvements of our products and services.
  • The opportunity to present your use-cases of CM SAF data and share experiences.

The workshop will be composed of a mixture of presentations and interactive discussion rounds which include:
A detailed agenda will be provided in early October 2024.

The workshop will have also an opportunity to join online for the presentations. However, an online participation in discussion rounds might be limited. Thus, an in-person attendance is highly appreciated.

Your contribution to workshop
We welcome your presentation on applications of satellite climate data records and services in your organisation is encouraged. Please consider to submit an abstract during registration!

Registration for CM SAF workshop:
There is no registration fee.

registration is now closed

DWD Klimatagung:
This workshop will be back-to-back with the “DWD Klimatagung" also being held at DWD in Offenbach, Germany, on 23 October 2024. The DWD Klimatagung will be held in German only and has the topic "International data centers and their applications". Please follow this link for more information on the DWD Klimatagung and registration.

Host of Workshop:
The workshop is kindly hosted by EUMETSAT’s CM SAF, supported by EUMETSAT SAF network and DWD.

Since 25 years the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on Climate Monitoring (CM SAF) generates, archives and distributes high-quality satellite-based Climate Data Records (CDR) in support of climate monitoring. CM SAF provides Essential Climate Variables (ECVs) related to the energy and water cycles as defined by the Global Climate Observing System (GCOS). The majority of our latest CDR versions cover at least the WMO reference period from 1991-2020 and with this partly exceed a temporal coverage of more than 40 years. In order to serve applications with strong timeliness requirements, CM SAF also produces Interim Climate Data Records (ICDRs), which continuous the CDR to present time and are typically released within a few days of the observations.

RH / Oct2024

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