GSB 7.1 Standardlösung

Workshop on global precipitation monitoring in a joint European effort

The workshop on global precipitation monitoring in a joint European effort marks the restart of a workshop series which was hosted by DWD / EUMETSAT CM SAF in Offenbach, Germany between 2014 and 2017. EUMETSAT CM SAF responded to the outcome of this series by hosting the new precipitation CDR Global Interpolated RAinFall Estimation (GIRAFE). It is available as beta version from CM SAF.

The workshop will take place on 12-13 March 2024 in Offenbach, Germany. It will bring together experts in the field and aims at defining priorities on future efforts and (new) cooperations. This time the workshop will focus on various application areas.
This workshop is also an element of topical workshops organized by CM SAF to address various aspects regarding the Earth's energy and water cycles. 

For more information on the agenda, invited speakers, registration, and logistics, please visit the workshop website:

HK / Nov2023

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