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Online Phase: 28 January - 8 February 2019
Classroom Phase: 25 February - 1 March 2019, Krakow, Poland
For the first time three Satellite Application Facilities (SAFs) joined to support a EUMETSAT climate workshop. And, for the first time participants from three different continents came together to learn about SAF climate products and tools.
The EUMETSAT Winter School on the Use of Satellite Data for Climate Services in Europe was supported by representatives of the SAFs on Atmospheric Composition (AC), Climate Monitoring (CM) and Land Surface Analysis (LSA). In addition, the Copernicus Climate Data Store (CDS) and the statistics software R-Instat were presented during the workshop.
The workshop was divided into two weeks online phase (28 January - 8 February 2019) and one week classroom phase (25 February - 1 March 2019). The purpose of the online phase is to impart background knowledge on the SAFs data records and tools. This is mainly done by online material, video presentations, a course forum and live video conferences. The participants had to fulfill some tasks in order to ensure that they are prepared as good as possible for the classroom phase. This included the definition of a mini project, which they want to work on during the classroom phase.
The classroom phase took place at the Institute of Meteorology and Water Management (IMGW) in Krakow, Poland. The first one and a half day were used for participant’s introductions, a recapture of the online phase and brief introductions of the software such as the CM SAF R Toolbox or R-Instat. From Tuesday afternoon till Thursday noon the participants worked on own mini projects. The mini projects covered a wide range of applications, such as the comparison of CM SAF satellite-based data records for radiation or sunshine duration with station measurements, investigations of drought indices using LSA SAF data, the analysis of air pollution by help of AC SAF data or the analysis of growing degree days using ERA5 reanalysis data. The last day of the classroom phase was used to present the results of the mini projects. It was quite impressive what the people were able to do in this short period of time.
The workshop was also important for EUMETSAT and the SAFs to get feedback on the quality and usability of their data records. Besides predominantly very positive feedback from the participants it got obvious that there is potential for improvements. As AC SAF and LSA SAF have now data records, which cover time ranges that are of interest for climate applications, especially the collaboration of the SAFs should be reinforced in the near future.
If you are interested in EUMETSAT training activities, have a look at:
SK, March 2019